Kinemaster for Windows 10/8.1/8/7 PC Download it for Free
Kinemaster for Windows 10:- Video editing for PC's is quite tough and hard to understand as the problem arises that most of the PC apps are paid to use and filled with loads of advertisements, but today we will ease up this for you, as we present before you an amazing App that will help you to a vast extent to Edit videos just like a professional and the app which will help you in doing so is Kinemaster for Windows 10.
kinemaster for Windows 10
Kinemaster For Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Download/Install Steps
The Following two methods that we will be using to install and run Kinemaster For Windows.
- Kinemaster For Windows Installation and download with the help of Bluestacks PC emulator.
- Kinemaster For Windows Download and installation with the help of MEmu player Emulator.
So, Lets start respectively and follow the steps wisely to install and run the Kinemaster app on your PC.
1.Installing Kinemaster For Windows 10 Via Bluestacks Emulator :-
- To start off, Go to the official website of Bluestacks by either searching it on the Search bar or just type in and you will be redirected to the official website of bluestacks.
- After that you will see a Green button flashing on the home page, Click on that and the server of bluestacks will download the most compatible version of it on your PC.
- Let it install, and once that is done, accept the permissions and run the Bluestacks app.
Kinemaster For Windows Via Bluestacks Emulator
- Now you will see an Android phone like layout on the bluestacks home screen, where on the top right corner you will find the Google playstore.
- Click on Google playstore, And now enter the credentials of your google mail account.
- After that you can access the Google playstore.
- Now, On the Search bar of Playstore type in Kinemaster and press the enter button or waver the search option with your mouse.
- Next, see the official top result (verified app of Kinemaster ) and click on it.
- Now press on install, and wait for the app to install on your PC.
- Once the installation is completed, Run the app, and now you will be able to access Kinemaster For Windows just like your smartphone.
About the Kinemaster for Windows 10:-
Kinemaster for Windows 10 does not exist as this app is available for android and ios devices but we have made it available for you, Exclusively today as you can install the Kinemaster android app on your PC with the help of a PC emulator For playing android apps such as bluestacks, MEmuplayer or others, This video editing app comes with bunch load of amazing Features and the greatest fact is that this app is free to use.
And another great talk about this app is that you can edit photos just like a professional that too up to 4k video resolution.
Features of the Kinemaster for Windows 10:-
- Download videos up to 4k resolution:- With the help of Kinemaster App you can easily download and edit videos up to 4k resolution and that too in 30 Frames per second.
- Add various effects to the videos:- There are various effects be it stickers, gif, Colors etc which you can add to your videos to make them more immersive and admirable.
- Add music the videos:- Easily add any sort of music to your videos to make them look more appealing and change the music to voice over as well.
- Reverse your videos to create time lapse:- This app supports video reversing which is very amazing to create long hour time lapse and create a replay video.
Features of the Kinemaster
- Control the speed of your videos to create slow motion:- You can create some of the finest Slow motion shots with the help of The Kinemaster for Windows 10.
- Apply various filters:- There are multiple number of Filters available in the Kinemaster and app and you can easily choose the one that you prefer the most.
- Change the EQ as well as volume:- You can simply change your EQ upon your requirements and also boost the volume of the video.
- You can add keyframe wise animation:- This feature allows you to add keyframes and animate the video according to frames.
Basic user Information on the Kinemaster for Windows 10:-
- Content rating of the app:- Rated for 3 +
- User rating of the app:- 4.1 out of 5 stars.
- Last date of update:- 27 May 2020
- Size of the app:- 87 MB.
- Total no. Of installs:- 100 million +
- Current version:-
- Offered by:-KineMaster Corporation.
2. Installing Kinemaster For Windows 10 via MEmu Player Emulator:-
- First off, Go to the official website of MEmuplayer by typing in or just simply type MEmuplayer on the google search bar.
- Once you've been redirected to the official website, Download the latest version of MEmuplayer which is compatible on your device.
- Let the app install and now open it.
Kinemaster For Windows via MEmu Player Emulator
- Open the Google Playstore on the Home page of MEmu player.
- Log-in With your Google account and then pursue to the Google playstore.
- Now on the search bar, type for Kinemaster .
- Next up download the official Kinemaster application.
- Now let it install and Run it.
- That's it, Now you can easily enjoy Kinemaster on your PC without any hassle.
The interface of the KineMaster android app supports the Windows 10 Very well as the app is very stable and easy to use on emulator and you also can become a professional editor of your own by using the Kinemaster video editing app on your device for Free of cost.