ISM Lite For PC Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista & Mac
ISM Lite For PC Windows 10 and other versions would be amazing, Right? The most popular application on Google Play Store is now available for your PC. In this article, we will help you installing it in your PC.
ISM Lite (Internet Speed Meter Lite) displays your internet speed in status bar and shows the amount of data used in notification pane.
ISM Lite For PC
ISM Lite For PC Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Download/Install Steps
The Following two methods that we will be using to install and run ISM Lite for Laptop.
- ISM Lite for Windows 10 Installation and download with the help of Bluestacks PC emulator.
- ISM Lite for PC Download and installation with the help of MEmu player Emulator.
So, Lets start respectively and follow the steps wisely to install and run the ISM Lite app on your PC.
1.Installing ISM Lite for PC Via Bluestacks Emulator :-
- To start off, Go to the official website of Bluestacks by either searching it on the Search bar or just type in and you will be redirected to the official website of bluestacks.
- After that you will see a Green button flashing on the home page, Click on that and the server of bluestacks will download the most compatible version of it on your PC.
- Let it install, and once that is done, accept the permissions and run the Bluestacks app.
- Now you will see an Android phone like layout on the bluestacks home screen, where on the top right corner you will find the Google playstore.
- Click on Google playstore, And now enter the credentials of your google mail account.
- After that you can access the Google playstore.
- Now, On the Search bar of Playstore type in ISM Lite and press the enter button or waver the search option with your mouse.
- Next, see the official top result (verified app of ISM Lite ) and click on it.
- Now press on install, and wait for the app to install on your PC.
- Once the installation is completed, Run the app, and now you will be able to access ISM Lite For Laptop just like your smartphone.
Download ISM Lite For PC
This helps you to monitor network connection anytime while using your device.
Its an Android Application which we think you guys should have for your PC as well because its important for your Personal Computer as well.
Its features are amazing which all of you should have a look at before installing the application for PC.
There are a lot of eye catchy features which attracts the users towards the application but we are gonna mention the main features which you should know definitely before installing the application in your PC.
Wanna have a look at the features of ISM Lite? Then, have a look so that you have the reason to install it in your PC.
Features Of ISM Lite For Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista & Mac
Following are the features of ISM Lite:-
- In status bar and notification get real time speed update.
- Daily traffic usage in Notification.
- For the last 30 days it monitors your traffic.
- For Wi-fi and Mobile network stats are separated.
- Graph to monitor last minute Internet Activity.
- Time & Usage of Current Session.
- When you are connected to Internet only then the notification appears.
- Between blue and white status bar you have a option to choose.
- Option to show upload and download speed in notification bar.
- Efficient battery and status to show regularly.
Features ISM Lite For PC
Above mentioned are the features of ISM Lite.
We hope you like the features of ISM Lite. If you wanna know more about the features of this application then you need to install ISM Lite with our installation steps.
Now, you have the reason to install ISM Lite For Windows 10. If you start using the application once you won't be able to get rid of it as the application is amazing and you will surely get addicted.
Installing ISM Lite For PC via MEmu Player Emulator:-
- First off, Go to the official website of MEmuplayer by typing in or just simply type MEmuplayer on the google search bar.
- Once you've been redirected to the official website, Download the latest version of MEmuplayer which is compatible on your device.
- Let the app install and now open it.
- Open the Google Playstore on the Home page of MEmu player.
- Log-in With your Google account and then pursue to the Google playstore.
- Now on the search bar, type for ISM Lite .
- Next up download the official ISM Lite application.
- Now let it install and Run it.
- That's it, Now you can easily enjoy ISM Lite on your Computer without any hassle.
ISM Lite For Windows
So, what are you guys waiting for? Download & Install ISM Lite For PC now!
If you have any doubts you may ask us in the comments section below. We will surely help you with the best possible resolution.
Thanks for reading the article! Have a nice day.