Huawei HiLink For PC (Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista & Mac)
Are you looking for an application which merges your WiFi and RuMate apps to provide you with a more consistent and simplified management experience. Then, you are at the right place as Huawei HiLink is what you need. In this article, we will help you with the installation steps of Huawei HiLink For PC.
Huawei HiLink is an app that lets you manage your HiLink devices from your phone or tablet. You can merge the WiFi and RuMate apps to provide you with a more consistent and simplified management experience.
Huawei HiLink For PC Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Download/Install Steps
The Following two methods that we will be using to install and run Huawei HiLink for PC.
- Huawei HiLink for Windows Installation and download with the help of Bluestacks PC emulator.
- Huawei HiLink for Computer Download and installation with the help of MEmu player Emulator.
So, Lets start respectively and follow the steps wisely to install and run the Huawei HiLink app for PC/ Laptop.
Download Huawei HiLink For PC
1.Installing Huawei HiLink for PC Via Bluestacks Emulator :-
- To start off, Go to the official website of Bluestacks by either searching it on the Search bar or just type in and you will be redirected to the official website of bluestacks.
- After that you will see a Green button flashing on the home page, Click on that and the server of bluestacks will download the most compatible version of it on your PC/ Laptop.
- Let it install, and once that is done, accept the permissions and run the Bluestacks app.
- Now you will see an Android phone like layout on the bluestacks home screen, where on the top right corner you will find the Google playstore.
- Click on Google playstore, And now enter the credentials of your google mail account.
- After that you can access the Google playstore.
- Now, On the Search bar of Playstore type in Huawei HiLink and press the enter button or waver the search option with your mouse.
- Next, see the official top result (verified app of Huawei HiLink ) and click on it.
- Now press on install, and wait for the app to install on your PC/ Laptop.
- Once the installation is completed, Run the app, and now you will be able to access Huawei HiLink For PC Windows 10 just like your smartphone.
Huawei HiLink works with many Huawei products, as a uniform Management Application such as Huawei Mobile WiFi (E5 series), Huawei routers, Honor Cube, and Huawei home gateways.
This is a very secured Application which you didn't need to get worry from the part of security.
It can be used to search for and manage all Huawei HiLink terminal devices.
The features are a lot but we thought we should mention only those features which you guys should know definitely before installing the application.
Its features are amazing and you will get attracted towards the application with its features.
The features are a lot definitely but we will mention only few features which you guys should know before you install the Application in your Computer.
Wanna have a look at the features of the application? Then, have a look.
We are now going to mention the features below so that you guys have the reason to install Huawei HiLink For Windows.
Huawei HiLink For Windows
Features Of Huawei HiLink For PC
Following are the features of Huawei HiLink:-
- Manage connected devices and view network status.
- Reminds you when you have low battery,new messages and sleep data usage.
- Without generating data traffic share photos.
- Toggle between standard modes and sleep.
- To improve the security of your home network set up a guest network.
- Provide diverse functionality, including the Internet connection wizard, SSID and password modification, APN modification, carrier selection, and device shutdown or restart.
So, these are few features of Huawei HiLink which we hope you liked.
Now, you have the reason to install Huawei HiLink For PC Windows 10. Download it with our installation steps and get a smooth way of downloading.
2. Installing Huawei HiLink For PC via MEmu Player Emulator:-
- First off, Go to the official website of MEmuplayer by typing in or just simply type MEmuplayer on the google search bar.
- Once you've been redirected to the official website, Download the latest version of MEmuplayer which is compatible on your device.
- Let the app install and now open it.
- Open the Google Playstore on the Home page of MEmu player.
- Log-in With your Google account and then pursue to the Google playstore.
- Now on the search bar, type for Huawei HiLink .
- Next up download the official Huawei HiLink application.
- Now let it install and Run it.
- That's it, Now you can easily enjoy Huawei HiLink For PC Windows 10 without any hassle.
Huawei HiLink For PC
So, what are you guys waiting for? Download & Install Huawei HiLink For PC/ Laptop now!
If you guys have any doubts you may ask us in the comments section below. We will surely help you with your query.
Thanks for reading the article!